Regulations and standards

. Showing 41 to 50 out of 88 results.

Major projects to establish or upgrade Australian facilities

Major public and private projects with an expenditure of $500 million or more are subject to the Australian Jobs Act 2013. Learn about requirements.

Measurement standards

Australia’s measurement system must be able to adapt to, service and enhance the productivity and growth of Australian industries.

National Measurement Institute

We are the Australian Government’s national authority on measurement.

Near infrared (NIR) instruments for sugar cane

NIR instruments measure the quality of sugar.

Notify us about your major project

Project proponents must notify the Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Authority when they start planning a major project to establish or upgrade an eligible Australian facility.

Offshore greenhouse gas storage

We regulate greenhouse gas storage (also known as carbon capture and storage) in Australian Commonwealth waters.

Offshore greenhouse gas storage acreage release process

The Australian Government releases offshore areas for greenhouse gas storage (also known as carbon capture and storage). Companies can apply for a greenhouse gas storage assessment permit over an area of interest.

Offshore mineral exploration and mining  

We regulate mineral activity in Australian waters under the Offshore Minerals Act 1994.

Offshore oil and gas

We regulate offshore oil and gas activities in Australian Commonwealth waters. 

Offshore oil and gas exploration and development requirements

Companies must meet requirements when bidding for permits, exploring or developing permit areas.