Regulations and standards

. Showing 21 to 30 out of 88 results.

Building Ministers’ Meeting

The Building Ministers' Meeting (BMM) oversees policy issues affecting Australia’s building and construction industries.

The BMM brings together Australian Government and state and territory government ministers responsible for building and construction. The Australian Government minister responsible for the building industry chairs the BMM.

The BMM works to:

  • harmonise building regulations and standards
  • collaborate on compliance and enforcement.

It sets the strategic direction for the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). The ABCB is a multi-jurisdictional standards writing body. It oversees development of the National Construction Code (NCC).

Read more about these roles and responsibilities in the Intergovernmental Agreement on the ABCB website.

Read more about how we promote collaborative building and construction policy.

Contact us


Post: BMM Team, GPO Box 2013, CANBERRA ACT 2601

Certificates of approval

Find a certificate of approval. We issue one for every measuring instrument that meets the pattern approval requirements.

Certifying authorities 

Certifying authorities certify measuring instruments and reference materials.

Country of origin labelling

Country of origin labels for food and complementary medicines help consumers make informed buying decisions.

Critical technology standards

Australia is shaping global standards for critical technologies. This will support the Australian Government’s vision of being a world leader in designing, developing and using these technologies.

Current Anti-Dumping Review Panel reviews

Find current reviews by the Anti-Dumping Review Panel.

Current cases and the electronic public record (EPR)

Find claims currently being investigated by the Anti-Dumping Commission.

Current measures in the dumping commodity register (DCR)

Find goods currently subject to measures.

Develop and submit your AIP plan

Once you have notified the Australian Industry Participation (AIP) Authority of your major project, you must develop and submit an AIP plan. Learn more about the requirements.

Domestic gas supply

We ensure that Australian manufacturers, electricity generators, businesses and households have sufficient supplies of natural gas.