EPR 285 - Hollow structural sections from China

Goods Covered by the Investigation

Certain electric resistance welded pipe and tube made of carbon steel, comprising circular and non-circular hollow sections in galvanised and non-galvanised finishes. The goods are normally referred to as either CHS (circular hollow sections) or RHS (rectangular or square hollow sections). The goods are collectively referred to as HSS (hollow structural sections). Finish types for the goods include inline galvanised (ILG), pre-galvanised, hot-dipped galvanised (HDG) and non-galvanised HSS.

Sizes of the goods are, for circular products, those exceeding 21mm up to and including 165.1mm in outside diameter and, for oval, square and rectangular products those with a perimeter up to and including 1277.3mm. Categories of HSS excluded from the goods are conveyor tube; precision RHS with a nominal thickness of less than 1.6mm and air heater tubes to Australian Standard (AS) 2556.

Case Information  
Case Type Review of measures
Initiation date 09 April 2015
Applicant Steelforce Australia Pty Ltd and Steelforce Trading Pty Ltd
Tariff classification 7306.30.00 (statistical codes 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37)

7306.61.00 (statistical codes 21, 22, 25)

7306.69.00 (statistical code 10)
Review period 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014

Public record documents

The public record EPR 285includes non-confidential versions of documents such as the application, submissions, questionnaire responses, Commission visit reports and letters.

Key dates

Event Date Status
Initial submission date 19 May 2015 Open
Statement of Essential Facts (SEF) no later than 28 July 2015 Published
Submissions to SEF due 17 August 2015 Closed
Final recommendation to the Parliamentary Secretary no later than 13 February 2016  
Parliamentary Secretary's decision expected 28 days following appeal Published

Contact for this investigation

Case manager: +61 3 8539 2430

Email: operations2@adcommission.gov.au

Mailing address:The Director

Operations 2

Anti-Dumping Commission

GPO Box 2013

Canberra ACT 2601


Electronic Public Records

EPR number Document type Title Date
36 Notice - ADN
35 Report
34 Notice - ADN
33 Notice - ADN
32 Submission
31 Notice - ADN
30 Letter
29 Submission
28 Submission
27 Notice - ADN
26 Submission
25 Submission
24 Submission
23 Note for File
22 Note for File
21 Notice - ADN
20 Notice - ADN
19 Submission
18 Submission
17 Submission
16 Submission
15 Submission
14 Report
13 Letter
12 Submission
11 Submission
10 Note for File
9 Questionnaire
8 Submission
7 Submission
6 Submission
5 Submission
4 Notice - ADN
3 Report
2 Notice - ADN
1 Application