EPR 273 - Zinc coated (galvanised) steel from Korea

Goods Covered by the Investigation

Flat rolled products of iron and non-alloy steel of a width less than 600mm and equal to or greater than 600mm, plated or coated with zinc.

Zinc coated steel is commonly referred to as galvanised steel. The amount of zinc coating on the steel is described as its coating mass and is nominated in grams per meter squared (g/m2) with the prefix being Z (Zinc) or ZF (Zinc converted to a Zinc/Iron alloy coating). Common coating masses used for zinc coating are: Z350, Z275, Z200, Z100, and for zinc/iron alloy coating are: ZF100, ZF80 and ZF30 or equivalents based on international standards and naming conventions.A full description and clarification of the goods is available in Australian Customs Dumping Notice No. 2012/62

Case Information


Case type

Review of Measures

Initiation date

31 October 2014


Dongbu Steel Co., Ltd

Tariff Classification

7210.61.00 (Statistical code 60,61,62)

Review Period

1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014

Public Record Documents

The EPR 273 includes non-confidential versions of documents such as the application, submissions, questionnaire responses, Commission visit reports and letters.

Key Dates




Initial Submission Date

10 December 2014


Statement of Essential Facts (SEF) no later than

16 May 2015


Final Recommendation to the Parliamentary Secretary no later than

30 June 2015


Parliamentary Secretary's decision expected

20 days after


Contact for this Investigation

Case manager: +61 3 8539 2419

Fax: +61 3 8539 2499 (outside Australia)

Email: operations1@adcommission.gov.au

Mailing address:

The Director

Operations 1

Anti-Dumping Commission

GPO Box 1632

Melbourne VIC 3001

Electronic Public Records